
Saint Kitts and Nevis cities by population

Saint Kitts and Nevis cities by population list

A sortable list of Saint Kitts and Nevis cities by population, list can be sorted by the name of the city, population, area or region if such available.

Name Population Area, km2 Region
Basseterre 13,220 6.47 Saint Kitts
Figtree 2,922 n/a Nevis
Cayon 2,500 n/a Saint Kitts
Saddlers 986 n/a Saint Kitts
Sandy Point Town 780 n/a Saint Kitts
Monkey Hill 592 n/a Saint Kitts
Dieppe Bay Town 592 n/a Saint Kitts
Newcastle 493 n/a Nevis
Cotton Ground 381 n/a Nevis

Cities in Saint Kitts and Nevis map